Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I went and got the mail yesterday and I was thrilled to see that there was a package from Cambodia. Brent sent home a CD with a ton a pictures on it. I love so much to see him and see how happy he is! He must look so out of place being so tall. In his letters he talks of his love for these great people.


Amy said...

Brent looks like he's doing so well-you're right he is so much taller! Tell Meg good luck today. We miss you guys!

Irene said...

I am so glad to hear that he is doing well. He looks good!

April said...

He looks good! How nice to get a package from him!

mama said...

That's sure a GREAT looking missionary --- good for you AND him. It looks like he is having a super mission --- and is certainly a bit taller than the people he's with.
I DO miss having a missionary out -- so ENJOY --- it comes to an end way too fast.

Scott and Becky said...

Barb! Brent looks soooo good. Thanks for sharing the pictures.